Tuesday, 13 December 2011

facelift Phoenix - The importance of Volume

In our newest era of facial rejuvenation, this phrase has never been more true. We have been learning that concepts of facial youth have a lot to do with the location and the quantity of facial volume and how this changes over time says facelift Phoenix specialist. Current research has shown that we can recognize an aging face from a distance (too far to notice wrinkles). This is because the actual shape of the face has changed from volume differences.

For example, a child’s face is very circular. This is because the developing facial skeleton starts in a more round shape and the fat distribution in the face of a child in the cheeks and neck approximates a circle. In fact, the face does not begin to take on a more oval shape until the early twenties or even the late thirties. 

After this time point, volume changes that affect the location and quantity of facial fat as well as changes in bone volume (which contributes to a much lesser degree) begin to change the face in such a way that it can often be identified according to a person’s actual age. 

Of course, facial volume is not the only factor in facial aging – I like to express the process using the analogy of a three-legged stool. Facial aging involves changes in skin quality, changes in facial laxity and changes in facial volume. The first two processes are dealt with by the use of laser resurfacing and lifting procedures (like a facelift). The volume issue, however, is often ignored or grossly undertreated. 

Most facial aging requires a volume replacement of 30 – 50cc says Phoenix botox specialist. This may sound like a lot if you think about it in terms of Restylane or Juvederm (which sold in 1-cc increments), but in terms of how much volume this actually is, picture ¼ to 1/3 of a can of soda.  This volume, which is best replaced by using one’s own fat (“autologous” fat) is carefully and strategically placed back into the areas of loss in order to further add harmony and finesse to the process of facial rejuvenation.

When patient sees me for facial rejuvenation, a careful examination includes assessment of the three factors of facial aging (skin, laxity and volume) and recommendations depending on the areas affected.  In some cases, autologous fat transfer is all that is needed to achieve a natural result.  In others, a combined approach is necessary

Friday, 2 September 2011

Botox Phoenix - Want to get rid of your frown lines?

Botox Phoenix

Many think that frown lines come from excessive worrying or frowning. Truth is, facial expressions do not cause wrinkles on their forehead or anywhere else says botox Phoenix specialist. Those vertical  "frown" lines between the eyebrows and the vertical ones across your forehead wouldn’t be there at all if your skin hadn't become damaged by the sun. They're the result of facial muscles interacting with sun-damaged skin says facial cosmetic surgeon Phoenix.

Children move their facial muscles all day long, they don’t get lines or wrinkles. Forehead folds and (other facial wrinkles) occur because of the damage the sun inflicts on our skin. This is why it is very important to use sunscreen or face moisturizer which provides at least 15 SPF to 30 SPF daily when out in the sun. 

The sun breaks down that matrix, leaving skin thinner, saggy, and less able to regain its former, tighter contour. One of the most successful treatments for facial lines in the last two decades has been the use of muscle relaxing injections to stop the formation of wrinkles. Most people have heard of Botox and Dysport but there are many misconceptions about what they actually do says botox Scottsdale specialist.

Put simply, both of these treatments work in the same way says Phoenix rhinoplasty specialist. They block the muscles they are injected into from receiving the signal to contract. Used properly in the facial muscles, this leads to a more relaxed look and diminished facial lines. The most commonly treated areas is the area between the eyebrows (the glabella) where “frown” lines form, the forehead where horizontal lines form, and around the eyes where “crow’s feet” form.

The use of these medications has a very low risk profile in experienced hands. Reports of patients with a drooping eyelid, a dropped eyebrow, an uneven result or “frozen” look are usually either due to poor communication with the injector, or lack of knowledge or skill on the part of the injector.

If you are looking to achieve a smoother, more relaxed and youthful appearance in just one treatment, contact a botox specialist for a complimentary consultation. Simple injections can improve wrinkles for up to six months at a time.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Phoenix blepharoplasty - Thinking About Getting Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery?

Many people consider the eyes to be the "windows to the soul."  Adults and children alike can discern the slightest change in expression or emotion by watching the eyes.  A survey in 2008 showed that men and women alike first look at the eyes of people they meet.  The eyelids, therefore, act to frame and accentuate one of the most attractive and unique features of the human face.  Whether masculine or feminine, our concept of facial harmony always includes eyelids with definition, smooth skin and gradual transition zones.  Of course, the eyelids also serve the vital purpose of protecting and lubricating our eyes. 
 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both says Phoenix eyelid surgery specialist. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Changes that affect the upper eyelid include the development of excess skin, the appearance of excess fat (especially near the nose), a drop in the angle of the eyelashes and lowered position of the eyelid.  Sometimes, this can even reduce the vision in the upper fields.
According to Phoenix blepharoplasty expert, the cosmetic operation most commonly performed on the upper eyelids is reasonably minor, but should only be performed by an experienced, properly trained surgeon.  In most cases, the procedure can be performed under light or medium sedation in an outpatient or office setting.  Incisions are hidden such that they are essentially invisible.  The recovery period is 5-7 days before sutures are removed.  The recovery is painless and involves fairly simple care of the healing areas.  Upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries (like lower eyelid surgery, facelift, nose surgery, etc.) without significantly prolonged recovery or added risk.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
Patients requesting lower eyelid surgery usually are concerned about "bags" or pouches under their eyes, lines in the eyelid skin, changes in the lower eyelid position, changes in the tone or texture of the eyelid skin, or excess tearing from one or both eyes.  The goals of lower eyelid surgery depend on the area of concern for the patient, but in most cases, the contour of the lid is smoothed, bags or pouches are removed, the skin texture is improved, there is a lift in volume and removal of any low spots.
The lower eyelid is more complex but cosmetic surgery in this area in the proper hands can be very rewarding says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon.  Once again, the importance of a properly trained, experienced eyelid surgeon is vital to assure the best outcome.  There are two common approaches - an incision hidden behind the eyelid (transconjunctival) and an incision directly through the eyelid skin below the lashes (subciliary).  The chosen approach depends on the goals of the surgery and each patient's individual preference. 
The recovery period is 5-7 days before sutures are removed (although there are usually no sutures for the transconjunctival approach).  As with upper eyelid surgery, bruising may persist for a few days longer, but are generally easy to conceal.  In some cases, lower eyelid surgery is combined with laser treatment to the lower eyelid skin or the areas around the eye.  As with upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries (like upper eyelid surgery, facelift, brow lift Phoenix, nose surgery, etc.) without significantly prolonged recovery or added risk. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Phoenix cosmetic surgeon - Facelift and Eyelid Surgery Patients Report Looking Decades Younger

The vast majority of facial plastic surgery patients report being highly satisfied with the results. Facial plastic surgery patients tend to be women over the age of 40, with the average age being 57, who are seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. On average, of those who have undergone a facelift Phoenix patients rate themselves as looking 12 years younger after surgery. 

Patients Love Their New, Rejuvenated Looks

Based on a study by Dr. Swanson of 122 facelift patients between the years of 2002 and 2007, most patients opted to have multiple facial surgeries at the same time for a completed renewed, more youthful appearance. Other popular procedures that are typically performed include: forehead lift, rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery Phoenix doctors have reported. Some patients who received multiple procedures reported their perceived age as 27 years younger following surgery and recovery. That’s almost 3 decades! Of these patients, ninety-seven percent said the results met their expectations, with an impressive forty percent rating the results even better than expected.

The reactions of others to these patient’s new look was equally positive. Only 7 percent reported any negative reactions, whereas 90 percent said they received numerous compliments on their more youthful appearance. Due to both self-perception and other’s compliments, 80 percent of the patients reported an increase in self esteem, while overall quality of life was improved for 70 percent of the patients. 

Recovery and Complications: 

For patients in Phoenix cosmetic surgeons reported temporary complications as the most widely dealt with problems, with a third of patients complaining of skin problems or dry eyes. Only two percent expressed distress due to scarring.

Based on a pain rating scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being unbearably painful, the average pain rating was a middle of the range 5. The majority of patients said the pain was no more than what they expected going into the surgery. The duration of pain was reported to last an average of ten days, with six days on prescription pain medications. However, more than 3 weeks was the average time taken off of work. For normal activities, such as sleeping and driving, patients said the first two weeks were uncomfortable, but they were able to return to normal habits between 2 and 3 weeks after surgery. Patients said it took about one month before they looked "presentable" in public and two-and-a-half months before they were "back to normal." In the case of nose surgery Phoenix patients reported a slightly longer period until they felt “back to normal.”

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Finding a Job Over 40

It has been more than thirty years since we have seen a serious economic downturn, and many would argue that times today are even more difficult than they were in 1979.  National unemployment is nearly 10% and in some regions like Phoenix it may be even higher.  It is more competitive in the job market, and yet there are graduating classes of new workers looking to start their careers every year.
Few people know that many of those who come to my office in Scottsdale for facial rejuvenation such as a Phoenix facelift surgery or botox are concerned about protecting their job or reputation.  For example, a very bright professional woman saw me because she felt that she looked ten years greater than her actual age and felt twenty years younger than she appeared says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon.  She found that potential clients were judging her as being "old" and they would presume she did not have the same quickness or vigor as her younger competitors.  In reality, she is one of the best in her field, was in great physical condition and was being unfairly judged!  Of course, nobody will come right out and tell you how they think, but the tapering off of work, questions about her being "tired" and murmurs from colleagues and staff made it painfully clear that her fears were correct.  She underwent a facelift and eyelid surgery Phoenix with me and could not be happier that her outward appearance reflects how she feels inside.
Of course, changes that come with age are a reality.  This doesn't mean, though, that you should lose your job or suffer some level of professional rejection instead of taking reasonable steps to fight that process.  I have been asked, "Why do we age?" and "Why do some people seem to age so much faster than others?"  Those are the questions of the century, really, but we know that many factors will affect our external appearance of age.  In Arizona, we are all too aware of the effects of the Sun and ultraviolet rays.  But probably equally important are heredity, smoking history, history of taking steroids or certain strong medications, history of serious illness, and yes...stress.  So, to control the aging process, we can protect our skin from the sun, not smoke, stay well and live a low-stress life, right?  To some degree, this is true, but we often don't have much choice about our genetics or stress levels, and many of us lived in a time when sunscreen did not exist, so significant solar damage may have already occurred says Phoenix facial cosmetic surgeon.
In those circumstances, the best treatments are often surgical and should be done in a way to maintain a natural appearance while minimizing the amount of "down-time."  I have developed the True Results Facelift, an operation for women and men that accomplishes the most natural, long-lasting results while minimizing "down-time."  The operation is essentially painless and the recovery is relatively easy

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Injecting Beauty

All of us who seek to maintain or improve our image know that everything we do carries with it certain limitations and risks says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon. This bit of reality has pushed science and medicine toward the "Holy Grail" of cosmetic treatment: Something that can give noticeable improvement right away, looks natural, doesn't cost too much and has minimal or no down time.  Alas, we are not there yet! Rest assured, though, that great minds continue to pursue this lofty goal.
In the meantime, we have many solutions that are the closest answer to this question - Injectable cosmetic treatments.  The major types of products and services available are:
§  Dermal hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane
§  Dermal Calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse)
§  Deep injection of poly-methyl methacrylate (ArteFill)
§  Injection of collagen building therapy from Poly-L Lactic Acid (Sculptra)
§  Fat transfer - injection of fat taken from elsewhere in the body to add facial volume
 So...just choose from these products and services and get great results, right?
In short, NO.  These products have to be handled properly and placed in very precise locations in order to give the best results says facelift Scottsdale specialist.  The knowledge of anatomy, physiology and the practiced dexterity possessed by a facial cosmetic surgeon is far beyond any "nurse injector" or aesthetician, regardless of their individual experience.  The truth is, these products and techniques are not harmless and when a bad outcome occurs, it can leave a patient with quite a serious problem that can take a long time to resolve.
I have taken care of many patients injected by unlicensed, non-physician "injectors" who have had to undergo removal of product or had to tough out three months of a drooping eyelid or eyebrow.  Of course, there are also those patients who just don't quite get the improvement they had hoped, so they seek a more trained hand.  When it comes to cosmetic facial injection by a non-physician "injector" to save money, the old addage that you get what you pay for holds true.
I have very strict standards on the quality of work my patients receive.  I treat each patient as they were my own family member.  I would only recommend to my wife, brother, sister or mother that they receive these injections from a fully trained, licensed physician.  For this reason, I personally inject all of my patients, every time, without exception.
Everybody has their own favorite tricks of the trade.  I have adaptations I have developed to give something special to patients that they are not likely to find elsewhere.  My approach to lip augmentation injection is very refined and provides a natural, balanced, beautiful look.  I have a technique for elevation of the down-turned corners of the mouth that can give instant results.  Botox and Dysport patients of mine know that I can improve the frown lines while simultaneously giving an attractive brow lift Scottsdale procedure.
In those patients who just can't afford the downtime or the expense of surgery, I offer an all injection facelift technique which adds volume and elevation to the midface while softening the lines of the lower face.
Fat transfer is one of the true miracles of facial rejuvenation, and not every Phoenix facial plastic surgeon performs this procedure properly.  The very selective removal of fat from another body location without leaving evidence at the donor site and then transfer of this living tissue to the face in a careful and balanced way restores volume that is your living tissue, and is therefore permanent.
If you have had cosmetic facial injections in the past or you are just considering it for the first time, make an appointment to meet with me.  I will give you a complete analysis and will tailor a treatment that best suits your goals and anatomy.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Injecting Beauty

All of us who seek to maintain or improve our image know that everything we do carries with it certain limitations and risks says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon. This bit of reality has pushed science and medicine toward the "Holy Grail" of cosmetic treatment: Something that can give noticeable improvement right away, looks natural, doesn't cost too much and has minimal or no down time.  Alas, we are not there yet! Rest assured, though, that great minds continue to pursue this lofty goal.
In the meantime, we have many solutions that are the closest answer to this question - Injectable cosmetic treatments.  The major types of products and services available are:

§ Muscle relaxing injections like Botox (Abobotulinum Toxin A) and Dysport (Onabotulinum Toxin A)
§  Dermal hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane
§  Dermal Calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse)
§  Deep injection of poly-methyl methacrylate (ArteFill)
§  Injection of collagen building therapy from Poly-L Lactic Acid (Sculptra)
§   Fat transfer - injection of fat taken from elsewhere in the body to add facial volume

 So...just choose from these products and services and get great results, right?
In short, NO.  These products have to be handled properly and placed in very precise locations in order to give the best results says facelift Scottsdale specialist.  The knowledge of anatomy, physiology and the practiced dexterity possessed by a facial cosmetic surgeon is far beyond any "nurse injector" or aesthetician, regardless of their individual experience.  The truth is, these products and techniques are not harmless and when a bad outcome occurs, it can leave a patient with quite a serious problem that can take a long time to resolve.
I have taken care of many patients injected by unlicensed, non-physician "injectors" who have had to undergo removal of product or had to tough out three months of a drooping eyelid or eyebrow.  Of course, there are also those patients who just don't quite get the improvement they had hoped, so they seek a more trained hand.  When it comes to cosmetic facial injection by a non-physician "injector" to save money, the old addage that you get what you pay for holds true.
I have very strict standards on the quality of work my patients receive.  I treat each patient as they were my own family member.  I would only recommend to my wife, brother, sister or mother that they receive these injections from a fully trained, licensed physician.  For this reason, I personally inject all of my patients, every time, without exception.
Everybody has their own favorite tricks of the trade.  I have adaptations I have developed to give something special to patients that they are not likely to find elsewhere.  My approach to lip augmentation injection is very refined and provides a natural, balanced, beautiful look.  I have a technique for elevation of the down-turned corners of the mouth that can give instant results.  Botox and Dysport patients of mine know that I can improve the frown lines while simultaneously giving an attractive brow lift Scottsdale procedure.
In those patients who just can't afford the downtime or the expense of surgery, I offer an all injection facelift technique which adds volume and elevation to the midface while softening the lines of the lower face.
Fat transfer is one of the true miracles of facial rejuvenation, and not every Phoenix facial plastic surgeon performs this procedure properly.  The very selective removal of fat from another body location without leaving evidence at the donor site and then transfer of this living tissue to the face in a careful and balanced way restores volume that is your living tissue, and is therefore permanent.
If you have had cosmetic facial injections in the past or you are just considering it for the first time, make an appointment to meet with me.  I will give you a complete analysis and will tailor a treatment that best suits your goals and anatomy.http://www.holdenfacialplasticsurgery.com

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Considering Nose Surgery?

A nose job also known as rhinoplasty, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in United States. Today, the demand for rhinoplasty is increasing, especially with the improved facial plastic surgery techniques and those who find their noses imperfect and want to do something to improve their noses looks. Whether the nasal deformity is congenital or the result of an accident, rhinoplasty procedures are the best options for these people says rhinoplasty Scottsdale specialist.

Because of the procedures sensitive nature, patients usually have to undergo the procedure only once. However, there are some patients who undergo more than one nose surgery procedure because of a variety of factors. One factor is the incompetence of the cosmetic surgeon who performed the procedure. So if you want to achieve the nasal appearance you want after just one procedure of nose surgery, remember to choose a surgeon who has a proven track experience in the industry says
facial cosmetic surgeon Scottsdale.

Phoenix facelift surgeon suggests start your search for the right cosmetic surgeon by looking for licensed cosmetic surgeons listed on the Web. Many cosmetic surgeons have their own clinics, which in turn have websites. These websites usually provide information the surgeons profile, the services offered, and photos of the surgeons successful procedures. Many websites of cosmetic surgery clinics can also provide prices for the procedures upon your request.

Next, do some research and also verify the validity of the cosmetic surgeons credentials. Choose a board-certified surgeon who is experienced in performing a 
Scottsdale nose surgery procedure.