It has been more than thirty years since we have seen a serious economic downturn, and many would argue that times today are even more difficult than they were in 1979. National unemployment is nearly 10% and in some regions like Phoenix it may be even higher. It is more competitive in the job market, and yet there are graduating classes of new workers looking to start their careers every year.
Few people know that many of those who come to my office in Scottsdale for facial rejuvenation such as a Phoenix facelift surgery or botox are concerned about protecting their job or reputation. For example, a very bright professional woman saw me because she felt that she looked ten years greater than her actual age and felt twenty years younger than she appeared says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon. She found that potential clients were judging her as being "old" and they would presume she did not have the same quickness or vigor as her younger competitors. In reality, she is one of the best in her field, was in great physical condition and was being unfairly judged! Of course, nobody will come right out and tell you how they think, but the tapering off of work, questions about her being "tired" and murmurs from colleagues and staff made it painfully clear that her fears were correct. She underwent a facelift and eyelid surgery Phoenix with me and could not be happier that her outward appearance reflects how she feels inside.
Of course, changes that come with age are a reality. This doesn't mean, though, that you should lose your job or suffer some level of professional rejection instead of taking reasonable steps to fight that process. I have been asked, "Why do we age?" and "Why do some people seem to age so much faster than others?" Those are the questions of the century, really, but we know that many factors will affect our external appearance of age. In Arizona, we are all too aware of the effects of the Sun and ultraviolet rays. But probably equally important are heredity, smoking history, history of taking steroids or certain strong medications, history of serious illness, and yes...stress. So, to control the aging process, we can protect our skin from the sun, not smoke, stay well and live a low-stress life, right? To some degree, this is true, but we often don't have much choice about our genetics or stress levels, and many of us lived in a time when sunscreen did not exist, so significant solar damage may have already occurred says Phoenix facial cosmetic surgeon.
In those circumstances, the best treatments are often surgical and should be done in a way to maintain a natural appearance while minimizing the amount of "down-time." I have developed the True Results Facelift, an operation for women and men that accomplishes the most natural, long-lasting results while minimizing "down-time." The operation is essentially painless and the recovery is relatively easy
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