Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Phoenix cosmetic surgeon - Facelift and Eyelid Surgery Patients Report Looking Decades Younger

The vast majority of facial plastic surgery patients report being highly satisfied with the results. Facial plastic surgery patients tend to be women over the age of 40, with the average age being 57, who are seeking to rejuvenate their appearance. On average, of those who have undergone a facelift Phoenix patients rate themselves as looking 12 years younger after surgery. 

Patients Love Their New, Rejuvenated Looks

Based on a study by Dr. Swanson of 122 facelift patients between the years of 2002 and 2007, most patients opted to have multiple facial surgeries at the same time for a completed renewed, more youthful appearance. Other popular procedures that are typically performed include: forehead lift, rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery Phoenix doctors have reported. Some patients who received multiple procedures reported their perceived age as 27 years younger following surgery and recovery. That’s almost 3 decades! Of these patients, ninety-seven percent said the results met their expectations, with an impressive forty percent rating the results even better than expected.

The reactions of others to these patient’s new look was equally positive. Only 7 percent reported any negative reactions, whereas 90 percent said they received numerous compliments on their more youthful appearance. Due to both self-perception and other’s compliments, 80 percent of the patients reported an increase in self esteem, while overall quality of life was improved for 70 percent of the patients. 

Recovery and Complications: 

For patients in Phoenix cosmetic surgeons reported temporary complications as the most widely dealt with problems, with a third of patients complaining of skin problems or dry eyes. Only two percent expressed distress due to scarring.

Based on a pain rating scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being unbearably painful, the average pain rating was a middle of the range 5. The majority of patients said the pain was no more than what they expected going into the surgery. The duration of pain was reported to last an average of ten days, with six days on prescription pain medications. However, more than 3 weeks was the average time taken off of work. For normal activities, such as sleeping and driving, patients said the first two weeks were uncomfortable, but they were able to return to normal habits between 2 and 3 weeks after surgery. Patients said it took about one month before they looked "presentable" in public and two-and-a-half months before they were "back to normal." In the case of nose surgery Phoenix patients reported a slightly longer period until they felt “back to normal.”


  1. Surgery is the final treatment on reducing well any disease. That increase effective stamina and health of patient. Facial surgery is make well changing of look and shine of face.
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  2. Not long time ago, I personally had a blepharoplasty Toronto procedure because I wanted to have brighter, more open and more youthful eyes. I was very lucky to find a skilled and experienced doctor and so the results were fantastic. I'm looking younger and more attractive now!

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