All of us who seek to maintain or improve our image know that everything we do carries with it certain limitations and risks says Phoenix facial plastic surgeon. This bit of reality has pushed science and medicine toward the "Holy Grail" of cosmetic treatment: Something that can give noticeable improvement right away, looks natural, doesn't cost too much and has minimal or no down time. Alas, we are not there yet! Rest assured, though, that great minds continue to pursue this lofty goal.
In the meantime, we have many solutions that are the closest answer to this question - Injectable cosmetic treatments. The major types of products and services available are:
§ Muscle relaxing injections like Botox (Abobotulinum Toxin A) and Dysport (Onabotulinum Toxin A)
§ Dermal hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane
§ Dermal Calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse)
§ Deep injection of poly-methyl methacrylate (ArteFill)
§ Injection of collagen building therapy from Poly-L Lactic Acid (Sculptra)
§ Fat transfer - injection of fat taken from elsewhere in the body to add facial volume
§ Muscle relaxing injections like Botox (Abobotulinum Toxin A) and Dysport (Onabotulinum Toxin A)
§ Dermal hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane
§ Dermal Calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse)
§ Deep injection of poly-methyl methacrylate (ArteFill)
§ Injection of collagen building therapy from Poly-L Lactic Acid (Sculptra)
§ Fat transfer - injection of fat taken from elsewhere in the body to add facial volume
So...just choose from these products and services and get great results, right?
In short, NO. These products have to be handled properly and placed in very precise locations in order to give the best results says facelift Scottsdale specialist. The knowledge of anatomy, physiology and the practiced dexterity possessed by a facial cosmetic surgeon is far beyond any "nurse injector" or aesthetician, regardless of their individual experience. The truth is, these products and techniques are not harmless and when a bad outcome occurs, it can leave a patient with quite a serious problem that can take a long time to resolve.
I have taken care of many patients injected by unlicensed, non-physician "injectors" who have had to undergo removal of product or had to tough out three months of a drooping eyelid or eyebrow. Of course, there are also those patients who just don't quite get the improvement they had hoped, so they seek a more trained hand. When it comes to cosmetic facial injection by a non-physician "injector" to save money, the old addage that you get what you pay for holds true.
I have very strict standards on the quality of work my patients receive. I treat each patient as they were my own family member. I would only recommend to my wife, brother, sister or mother that they receive these injections from a fully trained, licensed physician. For this reason, I personally inject all of my patients, every time, without exception.
Everybody has their own favorite tricks of the trade. I have adaptations I have developed to give something special to patients that they are not likely to find elsewhere. My approach to lip augmentation injection is very refined and provides a natural, balanced, beautiful look. I have a technique for elevation of the down-turned corners of the mouth that can give instant results. Botox and Dysport patients of mine know that I can improve the frown lines while simultaneously giving an attractive brow lift Scottsdale procedure.
In those patients who just can't afford the downtime or the expense of surgery, I offer an all injection facelift technique which adds volume and elevation to the midface while softening the lines of the lower face.
Fat transfer is one of the true miracles of facial rejuvenation, and not every Phoenix facial plastic surgeon performs this procedure properly. The very selective removal of fat from another body location without leaving evidence at the donor site and then transfer of this living tissue to the face in a careful and balanced way restores volume that is your living tissue, and is therefore permanent.
If you have had cosmetic facial injections in the past or you are just considering it for the first time, make an appointment to meet with me. I will give you a complete analysis and will tailor a treatment that best suits your goals and anatomy.http://www.holdenfacialplasticsurgery.com
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